Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Life Sketches

During a wedding at Aurora, OH, the weekend held more opportunities to get some decent life sketches. I was going on a 2 1/2 hour tour of Cleveland, OH, and there was some cool things going on.
This guy was chillin' at a Wendy's before we went on our tour...he wanted his cheesburger...with extra cheese...maybe?
During the tour when the bus took a stop to do history lessons, a skateboarder was going through, and a woman looked a little bored waiting for the COTA bus... or was she?
 During a 10 minute break from the tour, there was a greenhouse and garden, and I saw a beautiful statue, and decided it was perfect for a quick 2-minute sketch...I don't think I had 2 full minutes, so more like 1 minute 45 seconds...still impressed with what I had.

Did I mention that we went on a tour? Bars were around, and I guess a woman had to have her early weekend drink...

A couple more people, and my girlfriend playing her 3DS. It was Labor Day weekend after all...

Kyle meets Cy-Guy

It's been a while since I have posted, but I'm ALIVE! Anyways, amongst the entire time I have been healing and saving my brain from Brain Damage (Pink Floyd reference anyone?), I have also been thinking of a lot of ideas, including an animation that my girlfriend wants me to do, and a character I have been using for another animation class, named Cy-Guy. I have created this character with minimal characteristics
However, with his poor character development, I have decided to re-create him. Here are some ideas for his further character development.

The final character is a boy named Kyle. From the previous posts, his design was very poor as well, supposed to be based off of the Powerpuff Girls, however, I wanted his design to be more fitting with Cy-Guy, and it would fit better also with the Dark Weasel, as you can see the previous designs, and what I have in mind.

More updates to follow in the next couple weeks.